October 30, 2014

Managing Emotions Part 2: The UnFun Roller Coaster

Yesterday, I posted Part 1 of Managing Your Emotions.  It was all about how emotions can be mean little boogers...they are unstable, ever-changing and they lie.  If you didn't get a chance to read it, I hope you will take the time to scan through it.  It's not Hemingway or anything but it does make some valid points about the dangers of relying on our feelings. 

So, if our emotions are unstable and untrustworthy, why are we so easily lead by them?

  1. They are our constant and earliest companion.  Our emotions are with us every second of every day, everywhere we go which makes them a little difficult to ignore.
  2. They are LOUD little things!  Feelings can be incredibly strong and run deep which also makes them hard to ignore.
  3. Even though they often lie or make situations seem larger than life, they seem genuine and justified at the time.  The old adage to "just sleep on it" comes in handy here.  It's amazing what a difference a day makes.
  4. They demand urgency, convincing you something must be done right away or you will fall over dead from the unaddressed injustice.  Once again, "just sleep on it" sounds like words of a genius who's been there, done that.  We seldom make wise decisions or choose wise words when acting out of a sense of urgency.
  5. Emotions are a habit.  If you're like me, you've let emotions manage you instead of you managing them for as long as you can remember.  They aren't going to relinquish their control over night.  You've got to replace the bad habit with a new one by repeatedly choosing to be led by God instead.

It's easy to see how emotions are the perfect tool for Satan to hold us back and load us down with all sorts of trouble.  If we are constantly led by them, we can be sure to expect:

  1. fights with friends and family
  2. needless worry (all worry is needless.  See Matthew 6:25-27)
  3. a constant roller coaster that's not fun
  4. magnified insecurities
  5. drama, drama, drama

Yuck, none of us wants a life like that.  That's why we've got to learn to trust God instead of our emotions if we are ever going to experience the peace He intends for us.  God is everything our emotions are not!  He's trustworthy.  2 Samuel 7:28 says, "  Lord God, You are God; Your words are true, and You have promised grace to Your servant."  He is also stable and constant regardless of our changing circumstances.  Hebrews 13:8 promises, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."  There's no better foundation to build a life upon than God. 

All of this focus on the negative side of emotions is draining but needed.  Tomorrow, we'll turn things around and talk about the good that comes from our feelings.  Yes, those lying little boogers are good for something!

October 29, 2014

Managing Emotions Part 1: Emotions Are Mean Little Boogers!

"We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ,"  2 Corinthians 10:5

A while back, I was given the opportunity to guest teach a youth girl's class at my church on the topic of managing emotions.  I was thrilled to be assigned this lesson because it's an area of my life I've really been working on over the last couple of years. 

Now, with that being said, there are still moments you could speak to me and think, "She's come a long way in learning to control her emotions???  Yikes, what was she like before?"  That's why I mercifully claim the scriptures above, Philippians 3:13-14, as my life verses; I think they perfectly summarize our Christian journey.  I haven't obtained perfection in managing my emotions but I am pressing forward and seeing progress with each passing day.  Hey, it's not easy breaking a habit that's dug in over 30+ years (don't ask how many pluses!). 

But, I'm determined to exit the emotional roller coaster once and for all and resist all future rides.

I shared with those sweet and crazy girls an example of how terrible it would be to have an unstable boss at work.  Someone who's up one minute, down the next.  Someone who lies constantly, stirs up trouble where there is none and is just simply unpredictable.  None of us would want to be managed by someone like that and yet many of us are...our emotions.

Emotions are based on feelings and feelings aren't stable!  Feelings are unstable because they can be easily swayed by so many things:

  • our circumstances
  • who we are around and their attitudes
  • how much rest we've been getting or not getting
  • our insecurities
  • hormones
  • other's opinions of us
  • how we feel physically
  • how much time we've spent with God                    
                                                                                                the list is endless!

Not only are emotions unstable, but they also lie:

  • emotions can convince you a friend is angry with you when really, they are just having a bad day and it has nothing to do with you
  • they say you aren't good enough, aren't liked or accepted when nothing could be further from the truth
  • they convince you someone was talking bad about you when you entered the room when they were actually saying how much they love your outfit
  • they whisper that things will never get any better and that you can't change when God's word clearly offers hope to the contrary

You get the picture.  Emotions can be mean little boogers!

So, if emotions are unstable and lie, why are we so easily lead by them?

We'll tackle that question tomorrow but until then, I'd love to hear your thoughts, ideas and struggles with emotions. I could use all the insight you are willing to pass along.