November 11, 2013

See You at the Sandbar!

“When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; and through the rivers, they shall not overwhelm you…”  Isaiah 43:2

I’ve always been intrigued with the ocean…at what treasures lay hidden in her depths, at what might be swimming just below the surface and what all she has witnessed as ships have traveled her distance and storms have raged from one coast to another.  One thing that never ceases to amaze me is the constant changing of the tide.  Within hours, I’ve seen the waves change from almost nonexistent, to grab your boogie-board and come on in to downright scary.  Through the years, I’ve come to realize that life can be just as unpredictable and the tides of life can change just as quickly. 

John 16:33 tells us that “in this world you will have trouble,” and as much as we may like for things to stay the same, they rarely do for long.  So, what are we going to do when the waves start to crash around us or the tides begin to turn in a direction that leaves us off balance?  The way I see it, we have three options:  turn and run, freeze right where we are or keep swimming.

Who likes to be uncomfortable?  Who likes to fight the current?  Nope, not this girl!  I’ll take the easy-going, float through life days or the adventurous, ride the waves all the way to shore days any time.  But when the going gets tough or the slightest bit uncomfortable, I’ve been known to turn and run.  It makes sense.  It’s instinctive to just get out of the situation as soon as possible. The problem is, you rarely get anywhere in life if this is your go-to method of handling things.  Like the Israelites in the desert, we long for the comfort of what we know, even if what we know is keeping us in bondage.  The Israelites were all for venturing to the Promised Land until they missed the food and shelter provided by their Egyptian slave owners.  Change can be scary and uncertain but if we don’t brave it, we are certain to miss out.  Often something amazing is just around the corner from pain, confusion and discomfort so when we turn and run, we miss out on all that God has planned for us.  We miss the lessons in faith that come with trusting Him through the ups and downs.  We miss the opportunity to gain strength or conquer new territory.  We miss the adventure.  God wants to do a new thing in our lives (Isaiah 43:18-19) but it may take being brave and a little bit uncomfortable.  Do you believe it’s worth it?

Although I have implemented the Turn and Run in seasons past, I have an even greater tendency to freeze like a deer in headlights.  Freezing sounds simple…you simply don’t do anything!  But in reality, being stuck is exhausting!  Often in life, you feel like you are barely back on your feet from the knock-down of one wave before another one comes crashing down.  It can be hard to catch your breath let alone keep swimming but sometimes that is exactly what God wants us to do.  Keep going, keep trusting, and keep digging in those hinds’ feet one step at a time knowing He is going before you.  The Israelites were promised the “Promised Land,” but if it had been up to some of them, they would have stopped just short of victory because they were afraid of the giants that were surely waiting for them on the other side.  Maybe today, the waves around you are giant and it’s hard to see past them to the promises God has for you.  It’s scary when we can’t see what lies beyond the waves of our current circumstances but there is someone who can. 

I’m reminded of one of my son’s earliest encounters with the ocean.  I begged him to join me in taking our float to the calm waters of the sand bar but he was too afraid to venture past the break.  I assured him that while the waves might be crashing where he stood, if he could just be brave and trust me by taking a few more steps, he would be beyond the waves and the rest would be smooth sailing.  He wanted to believe me but he was too scared.  That’s when his amazing Daddy came in to save the day.  He lifted our little boy to his hip and carried him past the scary part.  God can do the same for you.  He’s big enough to see past your current circumstances and loving enough to walk you through them.  Do you trust Him? 

John 16:33 seems pretty bleak when we only concentrate on the portion that says, “In this world you will have trouble,” but the rest says that in Him we can have peace and to take heart because He has overcome the world.  Don’t turn back!  Don’t freeze!  Keep swimming…it’s worth it!  

October 21, 2013

Son Worshiper

"And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord's glory, are being transformed into his likeness with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord who is the Spirit."     2 Corinthians 2:18

While many people in the Heart of Dixie welcome Fall with open arms, happy to see the end of another hot and muggy summer, I actually feel sad to see it come to an end.  Each leaf falling is a wave of good-bye from a dearly loved friend I know I'll miss. For months, I've started my day with coffee and the Lord on my front porch watching the sun rise, afternoons on the back porch with a good book watching it set, and time in between watching kids swim, play and explore in it's warmth.

And though I care nothing about getting a tan, my hours in the sun are evident by my darker skin, lighter hair (I always promise my hairdresser I'll wear a hat to protect her work but somehow never end up doing so), freckled face, sun spots and even wrinkles! Yikes!  You'd think the wrinkles alone would be enough to keep me indoors but I just can't stay away from the sun I love.  Perhaps it's the endorphins it produces or the Vitamin B it provides but problems seem less problematic and life seems sunnier in general after a little time in the sun. 

And can't the same be said for time with the Son?  Recently, one of my dearest friend's son, Zach Dimmock, was asked to join Christian rapper DPB on stage for an impromptu rap.  Can you imagine?  Now, if it had been me, I probably would have fainted at the thought of performing in front of an audience.  Or at the very least asked if I could join him back on stage in a month after having adequate time to type something up, over analyze every word, practice hours on end and put together a stage-worthy outfit. But at 15 years old, Zack has a boldness for Christ like few I've ever seen.  He takes advantage of every opportunity the Lord provides and uses his talents as a song writer and rapper to reach others in a way that a sermon, blog or book may not.  He sure reached me as one particular lyric has played over and over in my heart.  "Man, I'm always with the Son, you'd think I'd have a tan."  See, isn't that cool?

Just like my time in the sun is apparent to others around me by my physical appearance, our time with the Son (or lack thereof) is just as obvious. Have you ever been around a Christian who lights up the room or feels like a breath of fresh air came in with them?  Joy shows all over their face and their countenance is robed in peace and contentment.  There's no other way to describe it other than to say it is obvious they have spent time with the Son. 

I want that, don't you?  Exodus 34:29 says, "When Moses came down from Mount Sinai with the two tablets of Testimony in his hands, he was not aware that his face was radiant because he had spoken to the Lord."  Psalm 34:5 tells us that "Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame." That same radiance is available for each of us when we make spending time with the Lord a priority.  Just as the moon produces no light of it's own but merely reflects the sun's rays, we as Christians are incapable of producing light and must reflect God's glory to those around us.  The only way for that to happen is with direct Son exposure.  We need daily breaks from Sonblocks like TV, work, friends, busyness and worries in order to spend time in God's Word and time in prayer and praise. It won't take long before others start to notice the effects of us being Son Worshipers.      

Let's Get Glowing Challenge:  Commit to spending 45 min a day with God and God alone for the next week.  See what a difference a little time with the Son can make.

October 2, 2013

When Your "Daily Bread" isn't Bread

My husband and I have been blessed with two children who have taught us more than we could ever teach them.  Our son, Jackson, was born to us 11 years ago and our daughter, Gracie, came to us through the foster care system 7 years ago.  At some point, I would love to share more about our adoption process but today it's on my heart to share a lesson I learned in the waiting.  There's always so much to be learned in the waiting, isn't there?

When God called us to be foster parents, I knew it would be difficult but I never imagined the mix of emotions that would pour over me from day to day as I held the precious girl God had put in our hearts years earlier.  You see, when you agree to foster a child in your home, you often don't know if you will have them for days, months, years or like in our case, be able to adopt them into your family at some point down the road.  From the first time I held Gracie in my arms, there was an undercurrent of peace in my heart that she would always be a member of our family, but often what rose to the surface were waves of fear; fear that I might be misunderstanding God or inserting my own desires to keep her, fear that I would love her with all I had only to have her leave, taking my heart with her as she went.

It was during one of these fearful moments when I was on my front porch literally crying out loud to God that I learned a definition of "daily bread" I'd never considered before.  I had been telling the Lord I didn't think I could love this child with abandon like I'd planned because it would simply hurt too bad if she was unable to stay with us.  I desired to do something life-changing for someone else, but in these moments, all I could think about was myself.  As I cried, I heard Him tell me that she deserved to be loved wholeheartedly and unconditionally because we might be the only ones who would ever give her such love.  Every child deserves to be loved so deeply.  It's a vital step towards being able to accept God's perfect love.  He also reminded me that Jackson wasn't mine any more than Gracie and that both their futures were in His hands.  He showed me that if Gracie left, I would still have a husband and a child who loved me.  I would still have a roof over my head and a relationship with Him, but Gracie might not have any of those things.  In that moment, I committed to love her with all I had while I had her but I also knew I wasn't capable of doing so on my own. 

From that day forward, I met Jesus on my porch each and every morning while my babies still slept.  Each day, I arrived fearful and spent but left hopeful and filled.  I had always taken the "daily bread" portion of the Lord's Prayer for granted because I had no real understanding of what it meant to trust God for my next meal.  But what happened in that year and a half of waiting changed how I saw "daily bread" forever.  I now feel it can be anything you are completely reliant on Christ for (which shouldn't that be everything?).  For me, it was "Lord, give me this day my daily portion of unconditional love for Gracie." Your "daily bread" may be strength to care for a loved one, money to keep your business open another day, patience with a child who is testing you, love for someone who isn't acting very lovely, etc.  We often just want the problem to go away or have so much excess that we don't have to worry, but there is something so special about relying on the Lord for that daily portion.  I'm reminded of the Israelites in the wilderness.  God could easily have chosen to grant them food that would never spoil and warehouses stockpiled with whatever they could need, but He chose to supply them with one days worth of manna at a time so they would learn to trust and rely on Him.  I can't promise you mammoth amounts of manna but I can promise you that God will supply all your needs day by day.  He will be your portion and He will never fail to equip you for what He's called you to do.       

September 17, 2013

The Beggar's Cup

We've all seen him, whether in a movie or on our daily commute to work downtown; the homeless man that stands at the busy intersection or on a crowded sidewalk with his outstretched cup.  He's hoping a passerby will be gracious enough, will slow down enough to give him the change they will never miss but could help him make it through another day.  It's a humbling sight each and every time I witness it and I pray my heart never forgets such images.

I'm blessed to have a roof over my head and more food than we can eat before the expiration date but spiritually, I have been just as bankrupt.  The sad part is, it's always of my own doing.  I remember one time in particular.  I was eight months pregnant with our first child when my husband and I decided to move, leaving behind all of our college, church and work friends.  We only moved a couple of hours away but to this people-loving girl, it might as well have been to the dark side of the moon. 

At first, I wasn't concerned.  I just knew I would make new friends and all would be right with the world.  Well, months went by and making new friends wasn't nearly as easy as I thought it would be.  It takes time to build solid relationships and soon I became desperate for companionship.  Let me just stop right here and tell you that any time you are desperate for anything, you are in dangerous territory, my friend!  My longing for the thirty minute phone conversations and laughs over lattes that I had enjoyed in my old town quickly became a recipe for disaster.

My friendship cup was empty and rather than turning to God to fill the void, I became like that beggar.  I extended my cup to anyone and everyone who was willing to fill it.  How dangerous!  Whatever area of your life feels lacking or incomplete (friendships, a romantic relationship, a missing father, an empty womb, etc), you can bet your bottom dollar that if you aren't turning to God someone or something will step in to fill the emptiness and it will leave you worse than empty when it's all said and done.  I gained "friends" alright but those relationships were never the way God intended.  They weren't bad people, they just weren't the people God set aside for me.

I vividly remember a conversation I had with God during this difficult time of my life where I begged Him for close friends.  His response was simple...I would not have close friendships until I learned to make Him my "best" friend.  He needed to be my top priority, the One I sought after, the One I turned to first.  Oh, how thankful I am for that life-changing conversation.  I finally took my empty cup to the Lord and boy did He fill it!!!  Luke 6:23 talks about the type of filling God does as "a good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over."  Whoo, I feel full just reading that!  It's the part that "runs over" that showers onto people around us, giving what is needed to maintain "healthy" relationships.  See, I wanted to take but I was so empty that I didn't have much to give.  If only I had gone to Him sooner.

If you are empty in an area of your life today, I challenge you to read the story of the Woman at the Well found in John chapter 4.  The Samaritan woman came to the well with nothing but an empty bucket and an even emptier heart.  She left her time with Jesus filled and if you spend time with Him, you'll leave the same way.  He is the only one who can fill you!

P.S - It took some time and a lot of learning to trust God, but now I am honored to call some of the most encouraging, God-seeking women I've ever known, my friends!  I still need the occasional reminder to make sure I'm spending time at the well with my Savior getting filled rather than relying on others but I'm moving in the Wright direction little by little.  

August 27, 2013

Lemonade Stands, Cavities and Keeping My Mouth Shut!

Sunday afternoon, which I think must have been the hottest day of the year, my daughter decided we should have a lemonade stand.  Now, for those of you who have never been by to see us, you drive past the middle of nowhere, turn right, travel another 5.2 miles and there we are.  The good news is, we don’t have any competitors nearby but the customers are sparse as well. 

We decided to make the most of the time between sales by reading books she had checked out for school. Gracie pretended she was the school librarian and read me a book entitled, “Little Bear Brushes His Teeth,” by Jutta Langreuter.  It is a cute story about a little bear (guess you probably caught that from the title, huh?) who doesn’t want to brush his teeth.  He loves to pretend he is a soldier so his mother wisely tells him that there is a battle going on inside his mouth.  She explains that if he doesn’t fight back the bacteria waging war against his teeth with his toothbrush sword, the bacteria will win, causing him to have cavities. Brilliant parenting!

Well God is a brilliant parent too and He knows I learn best from crazy little comparisons that help His Word hit home in my heart.  I hope you are the same way or you may never be able to stick with me and my crazy blog posts.  Anyway, as I drove home that same night, sick with guilt over something I’d just said about a fellow soldier in Christ, this precious story came flooding back to me.  See, I have a battle going on over my mouth as well and that night I had let down my guard and let the enemy claim victory over my tongue.  I apologized but nothing could reclaim my words.

There truly is a battle going on for our mouths, but thankfully God’s Word is “sharper than a double-edged sword (Hebrews 4:12)” and it can help us win!  But just like brushing your teeth is something needed daily in order to keep the cavities at bay, we need time with our Commander in Chief every day so we can be prepared for the front-lines.  Matthew 6:45 tells us, ““for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”  To keep our mouths in check, we’ve got to keep our hearts in check and God’s Word is the perfect heart monitor:

  • Words said flippantly without a thought of their repercussions – “The heart of the righteous ponders how to answer, but the mouth of the wicked pours out evil things.”  Proverbs 15:28

  • Gossip disguised as a prayer request – “Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear.” Ephesians 4:29

  • Snide comments about someone who has wronged us – “There is one whose rash words are like sword thrusts, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.” Proverbs 12:18                                             
  • Or information that just isn't ours to share – “If anyone thinks he is religious and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his heart, this person's religion is worthless.” James 1:26
P.S - Gracie made $10 in two hours.  Who can say no to a kid with a broken arm? 

August 18, 2013

The Snaggletoothed Tabby

Our old tabby cat is one of those special pets that show up out of nowhere and claim you.  Personally, I think those tend to be the best pets of all.  It was a rainy day about seven years ago when she wandered onto our porch hungry, pregnant and with a snaggletooth that makes her drool from one side of her mouth.  How could you not love her???  Cracker, as she was so lovingly named by our then 4 year old son who has a knack for naming pets, has been a fixture in our home ever since. 

"Fixture" is the perfect word to describe her because unlike our other cat, Cheerio (told you he had a knack for naming), Cracker is simply a part our house and nothing more.  She has zero interest in having a real relationship with us.  Yes, she relies on us for basics like food and shelter but anything deeper is outside her comfort zone.  In fact, it would be easy to get frustrated with her lack of interest in us after all we have done for her, but every time I look into that snaggletoothed face of hers I see a cat who has probably been hurt, rejected and abandoned along the way.  So, I just keep loving her in hopes she will one day come around and accept the love we have to share with her. 

Well lo and behold, I was sitting on the front porch this morning enjoying a cup of coffee and my quiet time when along comes Big Mama Crackalacka  (we like nicknames in this family).  Anyway, I knew not to make any sudden movements so I continued about my business while occasionally watching her from corner of my eye.  Before long, she was weaving in and out of my legs and swishing me with her tail.  I slowly reached down and even though she jumped a little, she let me pet her.  Victory!

Soon, she was soaking up the love and purring...actually purring people!!!  As I watched her finally let down her guard I was a little sad thinking of all the years this dear thing had gone without the love and affection that was there for her all along.  Then it hit me, or actually a "still, small voice" whispered to me that I had been Cracker.  I have been a Christian most of my life but for the majority of it, I had kept God at arms length.  Like Cracker, I had been hurt, rejected and disappointed by others.  I let the fear of being let down again keep me from the very One who would never let me down.  What a shame to have missed out on true intimacy with God, true peace, joy and contentment when it was there for me all along. 

God gave me a place in His kingdom just as we gave Cracker a place in our home but He has so much more to offer.  He knows our fears and is patiently waiting on the day we finally let down our guard and begin a true relationship with Him.  Please let go.  Please trust God for more than your salvation.  I know it sounds scary but it's the least risky thing you could ever do and oh so worth it.  Don't rob yourself of Him any longer!  He's waiting.   

August 11, 2013

All the Broken Seashells

Our daughter, Gracie is probably the happiest person I know.  She delights in everything and everyone around her and it’s often through her eyes that God teaches me lessons I know I’ll never forget. 

We are beach people…I’m talking go every chance we get, hate coming up for lunch beach people.  And like most families, we enjoy collecting shells as we walk along the beach and talk about our lives back home.  I love tiny pinky-orange shells, buttery yellow ones, large black ones, curly ones and fan-shaped ones but the ones I never pick up are the broken ones.  That’s normal right?  I mean, when was the last time you went in someone’s home and saw a decorative container or glass bowl filled with broken shells?  Well, if you visit our home, that’s exactly what you will find from now on. 

My daughter never got the memo about people not liking broken shells and for a long time it drove me nuts.  Honestly, it’s hard to “walk on the beach” with someone who loves broken shells because they are EVERYWHERE!  But, the smile on her face as she darted up and down the water line with her yellow bucket in hand triumphantly showing me each and every piece as if it were a treasured work of art stopped me in my tracks on our last trip to the gulf. 

See, contrary to my belief, Gracie isn’t the only one who loves broken shells.  Thankfully, God does too.  We are all broken, chipped, worn and simply un-whole but that’s okay because in God’s hands, the broken become mended, imperfections are used to magnify His glory, worn places become testimonies and we are made complete.  Throughout God’s Word, it’s the flawed but willing who are used to do great things and Psalm 34:18 assures us that He is “near to the brokenhearted.”  So, go ahead and lie broken at His feet.  For it’s in those moments that He will gently pick you up, hold you in the palm of His hand and treasure you like a priceless work of art, with never a thought of discarding you for your imperfections, cracks or rough edges.