August 18, 2013

The Snaggletoothed Tabby

Our old tabby cat is one of those special pets that show up out of nowhere and claim you.  Personally, I think those tend to be the best pets of all.  It was a rainy day about seven years ago when she wandered onto our porch hungry, pregnant and with a snaggletooth that makes her drool from one side of her mouth.  How could you not love her???  Cracker, as she was so lovingly named by our then 4 year old son who has a knack for naming pets, has been a fixture in our home ever since. 

"Fixture" is the perfect word to describe her because unlike our other cat, Cheerio (told you he had a knack for naming), Cracker is simply a part our house and nothing more.  She has zero interest in having a real relationship with us.  Yes, she relies on us for basics like food and shelter but anything deeper is outside her comfort zone.  In fact, it would be easy to get frustrated with her lack of interest in us after all we have done for her, but every time I look into that snaggletoothed face of hers I see a cat who has probably been hurt, rejected and abandoned along the way.  So, I just keep loving her in hopes she will one day come around and accept the love we have to share with her. 

Well lo and behold, I was sitting on the front porch this morning enjoying a cup of coffee and my quiet time when along comes Big Mama Crackalacka  (we like nicknames in this family).  Anyway, I knew not to make any sudden movements so I continued about my business while occasionally watching her from corner of my eye.  Before long, she was weaving in and out of my legs and swishing me with her tail.  I slowly reached down and even though she jumped a little, she let me pet her.  Victory!

Soon, she was soaking up the love and purring...actually purring people!!!  As I watched her finally let down her guard I was a little sad thinking of all the years this dear thing had gone without the love and affection that was there for her all along.  Then it hit me, or actually a "still, small voice" whispered to me that I had been Cracker.  I have been a Christian most of my life but for the majority of it, I had kept God at arms length.  Like Cracker, I had been hurt, rejected and disappointed by others.  I let the fear of being let down again keep me from the very One who would never let me down.  What a shame to have missed out on true intimacy with God, true peace, joy and contentment when it was there for me all along. 

God gave me a place in His kingdom just as we gave Cracker a place in our home but He has so much more to offer.  He knows our fears and is patiently waiting on the day we finally let down our guard and begin a true relationship with Him.  Please let go.  Please trust God for more than your salvation.  I know it sounds scary but it's the least risky thing you could ever do and oh so worth it.  Don't rob yourself of Him any longer!  He's waiting.   


  1. I needed this. Thanks!!!! I love you.....and your willingness to be open and transparent and let God use you. Denise

    1. I love you too. Thanks for encouraging me along the way!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I've been Cracker for so long! I'm just now learning to let go and it's good friends like you who help to inspire me. (I know this comment is a little belated, but I'm just now taking time for me to read and reflect.) :)

    1. I'm just glad to know someone is reading at all. LOL I am so glad you found your way to our small town and I've had a chance to get to know you. You are a true friend.
